Diary of a wimpy kid!!
By Akeen Mawith
Cheese Touch

The First question a person would ask is can you eat rotten cheese?. Well the Answer would be No!! but that depends on the type of cheese. Rotten cheese being left out side for a period of time should not be eaten, the cheese its self has germ's such as listeria, brucella, salmonella and E. coli, can grow along with the mold.
not all molds are bad for you to eat, many are, But it is better to avoid moldy foods.
Not all molds that are bad for you will cause some symptoms right away either. Many molds produce Aflatoxin which is a substance that will up your chances of getting cancer and may cause some health problems for you. That being said, sometimes it is OK to cut off the mold and eat what’s underneath. As to when it’s OK to eat moldy foods and when it’s not, it depends on the food item.
Can you eat Moldy Cheese
Are all Moldy cheese bad for you?

The whole Idea of the cheese touch is if someone touches it they will be sort of Cursed but if they pass it on to another person, to keep away from getting touched by the person who has the Cheese touch you have to cross your fingers. If you have the cheese touch no one will go know where near you. The cheese touch is described as a moldy slice of cheese on the basketball court.
The cheese touch started when a kid called Darren Walsh, who touched the cheese touch and the whole “Cheese touch” started.
At one time Rowley was forced to eat the cheese by a bunch on teenagers, and Rowley had no choice so he ate half of it. But then it turned out that Greg got the cheese touch because he lied to everyone that he ate it and know has the cheese touch, But Greg only did that so he can be best friends with Rowley again because they had a little fight.