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Advice for Greg


My name is Greg and I am having some troubles with my friend and I. We had a fight not a while ago, and now I'm trying my best to get back as friends, but that's the thing I don't know what to say, I want to apologise but I just can't, It's all my fault for what happened 

 and know I want to take responsibility and own-up to the vice principle that it was me.

My pricible thinks it was Rowley that put the little kids in the hole while it was me, I left my rain jacket at home so I had to use Rowley's, and Rowley's Jacket had his name at the back.


After school I was walking with the kids but then their was a Truck the same as the truck that the teenagers were driving when they were going after me and Rowley in Halloween, So as soon I saw that truck I got all the kids to jump in the hole after I got most of them in the hole The truck went past me and it was an old man driving and he looked at me like I was a murderer, after the truck drove past a lady went  and then I got caught by a lady down the street and she thought it was Rowley and know I'm having trouble telling the vice principle that it was my fault so what do I do?

Hello Greg.

I recieved your Letter and I would like to help you out with your problem with Rowley. If I was in your case I would explain things to Rowley  that you didn't mean to get him into trouble and tell him that you thought that if you told him the truth it would end your Friendship.

and also explain the hole story to the vice princible so then he understands  it doesn't matter the consequences it's all about getting your friendship back.

Thanks again I hope I have helped you.

Hi again:

I have another problem but this time it's private. Well I have a crush on this amazing girl which I can't name, she bright up my day and I smile. But I have a problem the other day she called me Fregley I mean seriously Fregley if I was to be named after someone else I would never be named after Fregley. I couldn't stop helping but being named after Fregley is the most horrible thing you could ever imagine. The girl I have a crush on probably thinks I'm gross and disgusting and Probably  doesn't want to be seen with me ever. 

I tried getting around that hole Idea of Fregley stuff so I tried explaining to her that I wasn't Fregley but I couldn't even get 10 metres to her So how was I to tell her.

Can you please help me?

Hello again.

 I see what has happened here, you don't want to be called Fregley but that no big deal just go up to her and Explain to her that your not Fregley and tell her that its aright though, tell her it's not her felt its her first week of school so it's pretty hard getting used to the names. If you tell her "Why are you calling me Fregley do I look like a Fregley to you Idiot" she will hate you, i mean what I'm trying to tell you is that don't take it too hard on her because if you don't she won't even bother to remember your name. 

After you have told her the hole "Fregley stuff" try talking to her and try getting to know her, because she's not going to like you back after you only said 2 words to her, Always say hello to her and say how was your day and all those type of stuff.

Hello Greg Here:

I am having trouble getting along with my older brother after doing something I regret. My set this hole "Mum bucks" thing where each time we spend time with each other we receive 1 mum bucks each and then after we receive the mum buck we can exchange them for actuals Money.  thought it was a pretty good idea because I'm getting paid for staying with Rodrick. 

It took a while to actually be actual brothers again, so when our parents went on holiday for the weekend we had a party, and promised each-other that we wouldn't tell a soul. But Mum squeezed it out of me and then Rodrick found out that I told mum while we promised each-other that we wouldn't tell a soul so what do I do know?


Hello Greg:

It look's like brother Trouble, Greg when t comes to big brother don't get them too angry because who knows what they can do, if I was at your risk, I would apologise to him and try to get thing right again. Try convincing your mum to let Rodrick play in the town talent show.

Try throwing another party except this time your mum already know but won't tell Rodrick it was a set up to be brothers again.


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