Diary of a wimpy kid!!
By Akeen Mawith
Chirag is know as a supportive character in diary of a wimpy kid, he is one of Greg's friends. Chirag is really short and tiny. In the movie ​Chirag come and goes. When Chirag went on Holidays overseas he made a bet with Greg, If Greg makes Holly Hill's like him Greg will win the bet how ever if Chirag win's he gets to rub it on Greg's face.
When Chirag came back on Holiday's he found Greg still Single, so then after Chirag rubbed it on Greg's face. Greg started getting annoyed of Chirag so He pulled of a practice prank by pretending Chirag was still on Holiday's. The practicals prank started small but then it spread around the whole school and this grabbed Chirag's attention. But after all the excitement Greg and Chirage became good friends again!!.